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20 Surprising Facts About Veganism


1. Veganism dates back over 2000 years not a new concept. 

Veganism is not a modern concept; over 2000 years ago, veganism as a concept and practice was old. It can date back to over 2000 years ago when people started going vegan and avoiding animals product. Many studies and research has provided evidence for this.


2. In 1944, the term vegan was introduced.

The term “vegan” originated in 1940 when British animal rights activist Donald Watson split from his local vegetarian group and formed the first vegan society.

 “vegan” is based on the philosophy that animals should not be exploited and harmed for food or other purposes. 

3. World vegan day. (1st November)

It has been celebrated on 1st November every year, since 1994. On this day, 1994, the 50th anniversary of the Uk vegan society, the term “vegan” were commemorated.

People celebrated worldwide through engaging festivals, exhibitions, local events, talks, and cooking demonstrations. The benefits of veganism are promoted.

4. The biggest misconception is that a vegan diet isn’t protein-rich.

 But this is not the fact; in fact, many sources have ware protein per calorie than meat, such as beans, lentil chickpeas, tempeh, tofu, soya chunks, seitan, peas, nuts, mushrooms, broccoli pasta, and so on. 

5. Another misconception is that a vegan diet does not sufficiently provide calcium.

It avoids cheese and dairy products, but they get calcium from pluses, green leaf vegetables, soya products, and plant-based milk, such as oats, almonds, and hazelnuts. 



6. There are many reasons for going vegan.

People opt for a vegan lifestyle not only for health reasons and for reviving the planet and animals but also for ethical and religious reasons.

7. A vegan diet increase metabolism.

Studies have found that a vegan burns calories 16% faster than a meat eater.

8. Veganism helps in the sustenance of the environment.

Animal farming or factory leads to deforestation, pollution, shortage of water, and greenhouse gas emissions. Followings veganism can contribute a lot to reversing these and living a sustainable life.

9. Veganism saves water, forest, and carbon dioxide (co2).

Rearing livestock for meat and dairy needs a lot of water, food, land, and other resources, which could save by adopting a vegan diet.

10. Following a vegan diet, we can also save the marine ecosystem. Otherwise, we may face a fishless ocean in a few decades (2048).

The marine ecosystem is revived by overfishing, pollution, and climate change caused by extensive animal agriculture. The animal food industries and their practices should be changed; otherwise, there would be a fishless ocean.

protect marine ecosystem


11. World hunger can be solved by veganism.

Research has shown that an additional 4 billion people can be fed if crops are grown for human consumption rather than farm animals.

This can have a significant impact on reducing hunger worldwide. 

12. Going vegan spreads hundreds of animal lives every year. 

According to the vegan calculator, by adopting veganism, one saves hundreds of animals every year which otherwise are abused, mutilated, ill-treated, confined, and slaughtered by animal industries.

13. Vegan diet help people live longer.

Vegan diet help people live longer than those who adhere to vegetarian or omnivore eating patterns. 

13. Vegan diet help people live longer.


14. It’s interesting to know those female vegans outpass the number of male vegans.

In the vegan society of the UK formed in 2015 that there are twice as many females as men adopting a vegan lifestyle, and 79% of vegans are identified as female in the USA. Most countries have females prevailing in this lifestyle. 

15. Age statistics found among vegans.

some panel surveys have studied the age statistics of people going vegan in the 21st century. They found that the average age for going is 24, though the most frequent periods are 19, 20, and 21

16. There are a large number of social activities throughout our history that have adopted a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, J. Rosa Parker, Angela Danis, Dolores Huerta, Coretta Scott, and many more are some who were against animal cruelty & exploitation and adopted this lifestyle.

17. Many biggest celebrities in the world are vegan.

James Cameron, Benedict Cumberbatch, Beyonce, Madonna, Natalie Portman, Joaquin Phoenix, Jay-z, Jennifer Lopez, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Zac Efron are some who adopted vegan living. Being a celebrity vegan inspire many other to adopt this lifestyle.

18. Vegan food has lots of variety in his taste too.

Different types of vegan foods are used to prepare several delicious dishes. Vegan products such as vegan meets, dairy-free milk, and cheeses are in demand, and companies are trying to launch various vegan of most things.

19. All alcoholic drinks aren’t vegans. veganism

Many alcoholic drinks are made from fruits, such as wine from grapes, beer from wheat, and vodka from potatoes. Still, animal products such as isinglass (fish bladder), gelatine, egg white, or milk protein are used during their filtration process.
Therefore they aren’t wholly vegan; animal products are not used in all drinks.

water shortage


20. We also contribute to preserving our ecosystem by following a partially vegan diet.

Cutting a portion of meat and dairy products weekly from our diet significantly affects the balance of the ecosystem and preserving the natural resources.
As for some of us, it is tough to follow a strict vegan diet; hence by following it partially, we can contribute to our planet.



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